Return to the office: Gartner highlights the risks for recruitment

With increasing numbers of companies opting to reduce the numbers of days their employees can work at home, Adam McCulloch asks Caitlin Duffy, research director at business analyst and consultancy Gartner, five key questions about what risks were attached to less flexible working arrangements.

Does a more draconian approach to office attendance come with risks for organisations?

Mandatory return-to-office policies absolutely discourage talent from joining certain companies. According to research from a September 2024 Gartner survey of over 3,400 prospective job candidates, nearly 20% stated that they have discontinued a hiring process because their preferences did not match what was described for the flexibility in working location. Similarly, 25% reported that they have discontinued a hiring process because their preferences for flexibility in working hours were not met.

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What value do employees place on flexible work?

Gartner’s research revealed that employees place great value on flexible work – 64% of candidates prefer to work remotely at least 50% of the time over the next five years. More than half of employees believe that their location should not matter as long as they meet work expectations, and they do not necessarily believe their organisations have provided a compelling reason to require onsite work – in fact, many employees believe return-to-office (RTO) mandates prioritise what leaders want over what employees need to do good work.

How do increased costs factor into the shift back to office-based work?

Gartner found that the cost of showing up to the office just one day a week adds up to more than $3,500 annually for the average US employee. In addition to benefits that offset the cost of returning to the office, organisations can also look to provide more innovative or flexible ways of working, such as offering a four-day workweek. Our research found that 63% of prospective candidates rated “four-day workweek for the same pay” as one of the top new and innovative benefits that would attract them to a job.

Is there a split between the genders on attitudes towards working in offices more frequently?

The cost of returning to in-office work weighs especially heavily on women. This is largely due to heightened societal expectations for women to assume caregiving responsibilities, such as childcare or elder care. Accordingly, many women value the flexibility provided by hybrid and remote work to balance childcare responsibilities with work commitments – rigid office schedules add logistical and financial burdens, including transportation and alternative care costs. According to Gartner research, more than half of women prioritise flexibility over a 10% pay increase.

How best can companies implement office attendance policies?

To successfully implement in-office work requirements without harming talent strategy, organisations should focus on motivation rather than mandates by creating an environment that fosters autonomy, connection, and capability. Designing onsite work requirements intentionally, around specific regular activities or occasional events, yields better talent outcomes than relying on arbitrary factors such as days of the week. It is also important to understand and consider employee voice in the process of designing a successful hybrid work strategy. Involving employees in shaping hybrid policies boosts engagement and effort, while making them feel heard increases engagement, performance, and retention. Additionally, clearly communicating the reasons behind on-site requirements improves compliance.

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