Career Guide

Top 3 Things US Pharma COOs Need To Think About In 2025 And Beyond

Congratulations, it’s 2025 and you are now the COO of a major pharma (or life sciences) company. Right away you get to work improving your company’s value chain including all those activities and processes involved in creating whatever product or service

By JG Jul 25, 2024

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Top 3 Things US Pharma COOs Need To Think About In 2025 And Beyond

Congratulations, it’s 2025 and you are now the COO of a major pharma (or life sciences) company. Right away you get to work improving your company’s value chain including all those activities and processes involved in creating whatever product or service

logo.png  By JG  Jul 25, 2024

7 Ways To Actively Manage Your Career

You go to work, you do your work, and you come home wondering where this is all going. You wonder what your next step is. What can you be doing to elevate your career?So, you ask your manager. And your manager stares at you blankly and points to your pro

logo.png  By JG  Jul 24, 2024

How To Conduct A Stealth Job Search

I was talking to a client recently who's conducting a stealth job search. A stealth job search is when you're currently working for an employer and you don't want them to know that you are looking for a better job. Now, this is dicey because if you start

logo.png  By JG  Jul 23, 2024

3 Soft Skills Every Great Leader Needs

Soft skills get a bad rap. Yet more organizations are requiring development on the softer side than ever before. So, what's the deal?"Companies have moved away from the 'command and control' decision-making style," says Marie Holmstrom, the Charlotte, N.

logo.png  By JG  Jul 20, 2024

