Reframing gender equity: A shared responsibility for men and women
Achieving gender equity in the workplace is not just a moral imperative; it is also essential for fostering inclusive environments where all employees can thrive. Dr Debbie Bayntun-Lees explains why both men and women need to share responsibility.
Despite growing awareness of the importance of gender equity, significant barriers remain, particularly regarding male engagement. Recent research from Hult International Business School highlights that many men view gender equity as a “women’s issue”, often positioning men as the problem, which can result in disengagement.
To overcome these challenges, it is critical to reframe gender equity as a shared responsibility, with men playing a vital role alongside their female colleagues.
Understanding barriers to male engagementOne key challenge is the perception that gender equity is predominantly a concern for women, with men either excluded from the conversation or framed as part of the problem. A survey revealed that 32% of respondents believed gender equity is framed this way. This framing risks alienating men, reducing their motivation to participate in or support initiatives. Such perceptions were echoed in findings from King’s College London, where young men expressed less positivity than young women about the impact of feminism, suggesting a disconnect that can hinder progress.
Men’s reluctance to engage in discussions about gender equity is often rooted in fear and discomfort. Concerns about saying the wrong thing, being misunderstood, or facing backlash can create significant barriers. Additionally, some men perceive gender equity initiatives as a threat to their own status, believing they may be disadvantaged by quotas or forced policies. For example, one respondent reflected: “Workplaces are frightened of the discrimination card being played,” highlighting apprehension about potential misuse of equity initiatives.
Emotional responsesOur studies with two global companies reveal that personal experiences, particularly relationships with female colleagues or daughters, can profoundly influence men’s perspectives on gender equity.
For instance, many fathers of daughters expressed heightened empathy and a desire to advocate for fairness. Comments such as “As a father of daughters, this is something I strongly dislike” illustrate how personal connections can drive engagement.
Respondents expressed a spectrum of emotions when reflecting on gender discrimination, including:
- Sadness and anger: A significant number described feeling heartbroken and frustrated at the persistence of inequity.
- Empathy and concern: Many men acknowledged the emotional toll discrimination takes on women and expressed solidarity.
- Desire for change: Awareness of inequities often translated into a commitment to action, with respondents emphasising their role in fostering inclusive environments.
However, a portion of respondents exhibited disengagement or neutrality, often due to a lack of personal exposure to gender-related issues. For instance, 42% of respondents in one study did not answer questions about gender equity, suggesting a need for broader awareness campaigns.
Across studies, a lack of awareness about gender equity and related policies emerged as a recurring theme. Many men were unaware of the challenges women face in the workplace or the existence of organisational initiatives aimed at addressing these issues. For instance, while 37% of respondents knew women who had faced discrimination, only 33% were aware of international agreements on gender equality. This disconnect highlights the need for more effective communication and education.
Reframing gender equity as a shared responsibilityTo foster greater male engagement, it is crucial to reframe gender equity as an issue that benefits everyone. By emphasising collective responsibility and mutual advantages, organisations can create a more inclusive narrative that resonates with all employees.
Organisations should adopt language that underscores the universal benefits of gender equity. Messaging should emphasise that gender equity is not about disadvantaging men but about creating fair and equitable opportunities for all. For example, showcasing how flexible work arrangements benefit both men and women can help normalise men’s involvement in caregiving roles and challenge traditional gender norms.
Engaging male leaders as role models is a powerful way to inspire broader participation. Programs like HeForShe have successfully demonstrated how male allies can champion gender equity. By sharing stories of male leaders advocating for inclusion, organisations can highlight the positive impact of male involvement and inspire others to follow suit.
Providing targeted training is essential for addressing biases and fostering understanding. Development programs should focus on:
- Unconscious bias and privilege
- Effective communication strategies for discussing sensitive topics
- Skills for leading inclusive conversations
- Practical steps men can take to support gender equity in their daily work.
These initiatives can build confidence among male employees and reduce fear or discomfort around engaging in equity efforts.
Personalising the issueConnecting gender equity to personal experiences can drive engagement. Highlighting stories of how men’s lives are enriched by equity initiatives – such as fathers benefiting from paternity leave – can make the issue more relatable. This approach can also help counteract perceptions of gender equity as a zero-sum game.
Achieving gender equity requires intentional efforts to foster collaboration between men and women. Organisations must prioritise initiatives that emphasise shared responsibility and mutual benefits. For instance, framing equity efforts as critical for innovation, productivity, and team cohesion can resonate with employees across all demographics.
Moreover, ongoing dialogue is essential. Facilitated discussions, safe spaces for feedback, and regular engagement surveys can help address concerns and foster a culture of openness. Recognising the complexity of male perspectives on gender equity – from fear and disengagement to empathy and advocacy – can inform strategies to drive meaningful change.
Reframing gender equity as a shared issue is vital for breaking down barriers to male engagement. By emphasising men’s role as allies and partners, organisations can create environments where all employees feel valued and empowered. Through inclusive messaging, role models, and targeted education, we can move beyond the perception of gender equity as a “women’s issue” and build workplaces that thrive on collaboration, respect, and equity. In doing so, we unlock the full potential of diverse and inclusive teams, benefiting both individuals and organisations.
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