RAD Awards 2025: R;pple and Havas People win Work of the Year

Suicide prevention charity R;pple and creative agency Havas People were winners of Work of the Year at the RAD Awards 2025 for ‘The Life Jacket’ campaign urging employers to open up conversations about mental health.

The campaign had already won Best Creative Idea earlier in the evening for what judges described as “incredible and impactful” work that will always be remembered. They described it as “truly inspiring and admirable”.

The RADs judges loved R;pple and Havas’s approach to creativity and storytelling but, most importantly, the impact it had on its audience. “This was a unique campaign that dealt with a sensitive but important cause in a truly innovative way,” they said.

RAD Awards 2025 winners

RAD Awards 2025 Work of the Year: 'Life Jacket' by R;pple & Havas People
View all the 2025 RADs winners

The RAD Awards 2025 shortlist unveiled

The making of a meaningful employer brand (webinar)

Other winning agencies included Thirty Three, Blackbridge Communications, SMRS, Wiser and Pink Squid, alongside winning employers including easyJet, GCHQ, Kraft Heinz and LEGO Group.

The 35th annual RAD Awards, the annual celebration of employer branding, recruitment advertising and people communications, took place in the glamorous Great Room at Grosvenor House Hotel on London’s exclusive Park Lane.

You can find the full list of winners as well as more information about the campaigns, on the RAD Awards website.

Director of the RAD Awards, Richard Andrews, said: “To be able to host this special evening is always such a pleasure. The RADs bring together our vibrant community to reward the outstanding work produced whilst also celebrating the industry as a whole.”

Chair of RAD Awards 2025 judging panel Tsz Wu said of this year’s submissions: “We were tickled, head scratched and truly blown away in equal measure by the creativity, surrealism and originality showcased.”

The RAD Awards 2026 take place on 29 January 2026 and open for entries in July 2025.


The RAD Awards 2025 sponsors

Winners of the RAD Awards 2025, sponsored by CV Library, EV, Gaia, Glassdoor, mygwork, Indeed, LinkedIn, Talent.com, Totaljobs, WeLove9am, Personnel Today Jobs, Wisdom and WhatMedia.


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Originally posted on: https://www.personneltoday.com/hr/rad-awards-2025-winners-ripple-and-havas-people-win-work-of-the-year/