Office attendance linked to positive employee wellbeing

There is a positive link between workplace attendance and wellbeing, with three or four times a week being the ideal number of in-office days.

Research by flexible workspaces provider infinitSpace found employees who attended the office one or two days per week were least likely to report their wellbeing as “great” or “good”, with half (50%) noting a positive physical wellbeing and the same proportion citing a positive mental wellbeing.

The independent survey of 1,210 UK hybrid and fully office-based employees discovered that by contrast, people who averaged three or four days per week in the workplace experienced the highest levels of wellbeing. Three in five (60%) had great or good physical wellbeing and a similar proportion (61%) reported the same for their mental wellbeing.

Among those who attended the office daily, nearly three in five (59%) described their physical wellbeing as “good” and 57% said the same about their mental wellbeing.

In-office working

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The study showed employees operating in flexible workspaces experienced higher levels of wellbeing, with 60% having good physical and the same percentage having good mental wellbeing compared to those in traditional office spaces who reported 56% and 55% respectively.

Wybo Wijnbergen, CEO of infinitSpace, said: “While attendance policies should remain flexible to meet diverse business and employee needs, it’s important that we don’t overlook the relationship between going to a workplace and one’s wellbeing. The research shows that opportunities for social interaction, a sense of community, and regular access to thoughtfully designed spaces can profoundly impact our overall wellbeing.

“More than just somewhere to collaborate or be productive, by having the workplaces, organisations can play a meaningful role in boosting the overall health and happiness of their employees. And if smart leaders want engaged, productive teams, fostering wellbeing and providing a workspace their staff want to visit must remain a key focus.”

Meanwhile, another study commissioned by London Heritage Quarter revealed that 40% of office workers in London are expecting a full-time office return this year.

It found the key employee concerns with the move are expenses around travel and food and drink, cited by 40% and 30% respectively. The cost of activities was listed as a concern for 25% while 22% expressed worries about strikes and industrial action.

The research comes as organisations increase pressure on employees to return to workplaces citing productivity concerns, with Lord Stuart Rose claiming working from home is creating a generation who are “not doing proper work” earlier this week.

According to London Heritage Quarter, the collective covering four Business Improvement Districts which cover Victoria, Westminster, Whitehall and Northbank, the findings suggest employers have an uphill battle when it comes to encouraging more office attendance because staff are now used to the flexibility and convenience offered by home working.

Its CEO Ruth Duston said: “Our findings show that workers in London are expecting to return to the office, however, wider challenges including the cost of living and travel are proving to be the biggest barriers.

“While hybrid working is now the norm, it’s important that we don’t forget the benefits that working in the office brings, including increased productivity, a sense of belonging, and being able to enjoy this fantastic city and all it has to offer.”

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