Number of Neets hits nearly one million

The number of young people not in education, employment or training (Neets) in the UK has risen to almost one million, the highest level in more than a decade.

Figures from the Office for National Statistics show there were about 987,000 young people aged 16 to 24 who were Neets in December 2024, up from 877,000 in the fourth quarter of 2023, making it the highest level since 2013.

However, the report added that fluctuations in sample sizes and data collection methods may have skewed some of its numbers.

The figures suggest one in eight young people across the country are out of employment, education or training at a time when Britain’s jobs market is cooling as employers deal with planned tax increases from the government, elevated borrowing costs and sluggish economic growth.

Young people not in work

Increase in young people not in work or education

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TUC general secretary Paul Nowak said the Labour government had to work hard to undo the neglect suffered by young people under previous administrations. “The government is now rightly prioritising change,” he said. “But with close to one million young people outside of employment or education, the situation is stark.

“The Youth Guarantee [under which 18 to 21-year-old in England will have access to an apprenticeship, quality training and education opportunities or help to find a job] is the right step. But it must be part of a comprehensive plan to ensure all young people across the country can access high-quality training and decent, well-paid work as well as timely and effective healthcare.”

The Youth Guarantee is part of the Get Britain Working White Paper introduced in November.

Dr Andrea Barry, principal economist at the Youth Futures Foundation, noted that since 2021, Neet rates had risen consistently, with both unemployment and economic inactivity as the driving forces. This contrasted with the post-2008 trend in which unemployment increased dramatically while economic inactivity remained stable, she said.

“The data also reveals half of the increase in economic inactivity over the past three years is due to ill health, with mental health being one of the most common health conditions driving this.

“As the youth employment challenge worsens, it’s imperative we continue to expand the evidence base to find out what works and ensure policymakers, employers and others put this evidence into action.”

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The chief executive of the Youth Futures Foundation, Barry Fletcher, said the figures showed the UK was facing a jobs crisis for young people. “If we are to prevent long-term scarring effects for young people and achieve the economic growth needed in our country, then we need sustained focus on the issue,” he said.

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