Most UK employees believe it’s fair for employers to expect in-person working when it adds real value to the business.
New data from professional networking platform LinkedIn found 72% of people are happy to attend the workplace when their boss thinks it would be meaningful, but 50% do not want more mandatory office days.
The research revealed that overall, workers agree in-person collaboration can be beneficial in building stronger relationships (45%), boosting engagement in meetings (43%) and speeding up decision-making (36%).
Those polled said they preferred certain tasks to be carried out in person, such as planning meetings (57%), creative brainstorms (62%) and review meetings (62%). However, they also require the flexibility to decide when and how they attend work.
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According to respondents, meetings that could be done remotely include internal catch-ups (54%) and weekly status calls (58%).
Janine Chamberlin, head of LinkedIn UK, said: “The future of work isn’t about forcing people back into the office; it’s about making sure that when they do come in, it’s worth it. The companies that get this right—those that create spaces for meaningful collaboration, idea-sharing, and relationship-building—will be the ones that keep their best talent engaged. That starts with listening to employees and making in-person moments truly valuable.”
The findings, released as LinkedIn opens a new Experience Centre in London to promote collaboration, also showed that around three in five (59%) employees surveyed would spend more money with a supplier they had met in person, while nearly three in four (73%) are more confident signing off business deals in person. Their reasons included feeling able to tackle complex or sensitive issues more effectively (49%), establishing trust (44%) and reading non-verbal cues (43%).
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