More ‘get’ endometriosis, yet it can still remain a taboo subject at work

More and more people, both men and women, say they understand the challenges women face around endometriosis, yet it can still be something of a ‘taboo’ subject at work, research has suggested.

Research by the charity Endometriosis UK, published, to coincide with March being Endometriosis Action Month, has concluded that nearly two-thirds (65%) of people now recognise endometriosis as a gynaecological health condition from a list of options.

While the condition is still much better understood by women than men (82% of women versus 47% of men), it is a distinct improvement on the 53% reported across the board in 2024 and 49% in 2023, said the charity.

Nevertheless, while more than a third (37%) of the 2,000 people surveyed said they would be comfortable discussing periods or menstrual health with colleagues in the workplace in principle, the reality is often different.


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Just 11% of men and 20% of women said they had in fact had open conversations with colleagues about periods and menstrual health.

Asked how they would respond if a colleague told them they had endometriosis, or how they did respond if this had happened to them, 39% of respondents said they would suggest ways to ask for appropriate support.

A fifth (21%) said they would feel able to support someone, and 17% said they knew of a relevant HR policy or support service they could access.

A total of 13% said they would worry about it negatively affecting a colleague’s performance. Just 6%, by comparison, said they would warn the person against telling their line manager, falling to 3% who said they would not want to discuss the topic, and an even lower 2% who said they would feel embarrassed to talk about it.

Julie Burns, manager of the ‘Endometriosis Friendly Employer’ scheme at Endometriosis UK, said: “It’s important that employers create environments in which their staff feel able to open up about their health, and how it might impact the way they work – or for that matter about any other personal, family or professional issue.

“While it’s important to respect that everyone has different boundaries, employers should create safe spaces to allow those conversations to happen in a constructive way. This should certainly be true of endometriosis – although unfortunately, there remains a level of stigma around menstrual health conditions, and employers need to work normalise those conversations.

“We strongly believe that by making your staff know they should feel free to talk about different health issues which may affect them, you’re sending out a powerful message that they are valued. Nurturing a culture of openness towards endometriosis and menstrual health will help those with the disease to thrive, and your organisation to thrive with them,” Burns added.


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