Mitie appoints Kathryn Dolan as chief people officer

Two of the UK’s largest services firms have made senior HR appointments in the past week.

Mitie, one of the UK’s most prominent outsourcing, facilities management and transformation companies, has appointed Kathryn Dolan, as its new chief people officer.

Dolan has worked for several multinational organisations across sectors including technology, automotive and professional services. Her most recent role was the group chief HR officer for Bureau Veritas, the global testing, inspection and certification company based in Paris. She is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and a qualified leadership coach.

Mitie said Dolan would lead and evolve the company’s people and culture strategy drawing on her experience of digital and business transformation, employee engagement, talent acquisition and development, reward and inclusion, equity and diversity.

Dolan said it was “an exciting and transformative period” for Mitie, adding that she looked forward to drawing on her experience “to continue to build a brilliant environment where all our people can thrive.”

Phil Bentley, chief executive officer at the firm, based in London, said: “We are proud of our people and the culture we have created, and Kathryn’s extensive experience is a valuable addition to drive Mitie’s people and culture strategy forward as we continue on our ambitious growth journey.”

Mitie employs about 72,000 people.

Hilary Goldby, Compass Group UK and Ireland

Hilary Goldby

Meanwhile, Hilary Goldby has been appointed HR director at Compass Group UK and Ireland’s business and industry sector.

With 19 years of experience in the HR arena across multiple sectors, from Tesco to GEOAmey and Dixons Carphone, Compass said Goldby had a commercial approach that focused on talent and development, inclusivity programmes and employee engagement.

Compass’ business and industry division includes contract caterers Eurest and Dine together with integrated facilities management provider 14forty, led by CEO Morag Freathy.

Goldby will report to Freathy and Laraine Kemp, people director at Compass Group UK & Ireland, which employs about 10,000 people.

Morag Freathy said: “We have ambitious plans and Hilary’s experience and strategic acumen are going to be crucial in helping achieve our goals.”

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Goldby has begun analysing how the people agenda can sit at the heart of delivering excellence at the firm. As part of its Social Promise, Compass Group UK and Ireland has committed to supporting one million people from both inside and outside the organisation by 2030 through its Mission to a Million campaign.

The company is working to enhance people’s opportunities and change lives through job creation, education, training, community and charitable engagement.

Goldby said: “I’ve spent time in a lot of businesses of different types across retail, contracting, supply chain and distribution, which has given me a broad view of people strategies.

“I wanted to come to a business that was both people-centric and ambitious, and I’ve found that in Compass B&I.

“My role is to nurture and motivate our teams, which will in turn ensure we have the best people with the skills to deliver for the business. It’s an exciting remit.”

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