Migrant care workers exploited for thousands

Migrant workers in the care sectors are being exploited by employers demanding money if they try to leave, according to the Royal College of Nursing.

Analysis of calls made to the union’s advice line has shown an eightfold increase in enquiries from nursing staff who fear they are victims of these “repayment clauses”, up from 12 in 2020 to 110 in 2024.

Unscrupulous employers use these clauses to demand thousands of pounds from migrant care workers, meaning many feel forced to stay in roles despite unacceptable conditions.

One nurse told the RCN that she was subject to a repayment fee of £25,000. NHS employers’ guidance allows employers to claim up to £3,000 if the recruit leaves employment within 12 months. This falls to £1,500 after 12 months and £750 after 24 months.

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The RCN said that calls to the advice line about this practice were likely to be a “fraction of the true number of people facing this form of exploitation”.

RCN general secretary Nicola Ranger pointed to the fact that, prior to the general election, the Labour Party had pledged to investigate these clauses via its single enforcement body.

However, this is unlikely to happen before next year, which could risk hundreds more carers being exploited.

Professor Ranger said: “The commitment by the Labour Party was an important step in recognising the severity and urgency of this matter. In government, you have power to act and turn this promise into action.

“I urge officials in the Home Office and across government departments to launch the promised investigation now to ensure that victims are not let down by lengthy processes.”

As well as granting migrant carers more protections against these practices, the RCN is urging the government to review the current visa sponsorship model that ties internationally recruited staff to their employer.

Under the current visa rules, there is a 60-day limit placed on staff to find new employment if they leave their role. The RCN wants this to be extended.

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Originally posted on: https://www.personneltoday.com/hr/migrant-care-workers-exploited-for-thousands/