Mastering the middle: Group coaching and unlocking the potential of mid-level leaders
Middle managers play a key role in organisations, providing a vital link between employees and organisational purpose and strategy. Against a backdrop of low global employee engagement, how can organisations support and develop middle managers? Group coaching is proving to be one approach that is hitting the mark with this crucial group of leaders who have specific development needs unique to their level.
The challenge of being in the middle
The backbone of organisations, middle managers account for around 10–15% of the global workforce. They are the link between strategy and frontline execution, organisation purpose and employee engagement. However, they face increasing challenge and are reporting higher levels of stress, frustration, and loneliness.
With higher demands from above and below, the term “squeezed middle” is often used to describe the feelings associated with this level. Middle managers need to influence peers and stakeholders without direct authority, whilst balancing sometimes conflicting demands of senior leaders with the needs of frontline staff. The daily switching of perspective between strategic and day-to-day operational issues adds complexity.
Talogy’s 2023 leadership research found that the need for middle managers to empower teams whilst staying close to the detail was a particular challenge along with the need for them to communicate with multiple audiences. Employees who report to mid-level leaders told us that poor or lack of communication is a common problem for leaders at this level which impacts their performance negatively.
All of this calls for strong interpersonal skills, proactive leadership, and the ability to keep a cool head and manage pressure.
What is group coaching?
Group coaching provides a structured yet flexible learning environment where participants take part in guided discussions, share experiences, and develop skills in a collaborative setting. Leaders meet in small groups with a skilled coach.
At the outset, the sessions are set up as safe learning spaces by the coach. Check-ins at the start of each session share experiences of applying learning from previous sessions to maintain momentum and build accountability.
Why group coaching for middle managers?
The multi-dimensional aspect of leading from the middle presents constant dilemmas for leaders that require real skill. Group coaching enables leaders to explore these dilemmas with peers, learn from each other, and identify actions in a safe space. It explores real challenges and so provides a practical way for leaders to refine their approach and style. The peer-learning aspect of group coaching fosters a sense of community and enhances problem-solving capabilities but also helps build a strong internal support network, reducing feelings of isolation and burnout. Whilst developing new strategies, leaders also pick up coaching skills and hone their listening and feedback skills.
We are also finding that leaders are more open to giving and receiving feedback in group coaching and so gain invaluable self-insight and awareness.
Group coaching is a scalable, cost effective way to provide leadership coaching that sees a high return on investment. Because leaders set goals and commitments in front of peers, they are more likely to apply what they learn. Group coaching encourages sustained growth as participants are more able to apply newly acquired skills by engaging in regular discussions, reflecting on their progress, and receiving feedback from peers and coaches.
The power of group coaching – insights from managers and organisations
Feedback from managers indicates that they value being able to discuss challenges openly without fear of judgement and getting supportive feedback from peers in similar roles. Managers realise they are not alone in facing leadership struggles and build a support network that helps them and benefits the organisation by enabling more collaboration across different teams and breaking down silos.
Group coaching provides middle managers with much needed perspective and breadth of thinking. This paves the way for both skilful collaboration and conflict handling, and also for developing strategic thinking skills. By gaining insight into other teams and building stronger relationships outside of their own team, managers find it easier to work cross organisation reducing inefficiencies and duplications, which can happen when people are less aware of what other teams are doing. The increased collaboration and break down of silos enabled by group coaching helps to oil the wheels for innovation, change, and organisation-wide projects.
Group coaching also helps to build engagement. According to the Hudson Institute, at Accenture, the rate at which group coaching participants leave the company is more than 10% lower than non-participants.
Group coaching enables middle managers to build confidence, resilience, and adaptability—qualities essential for navigating the complexities of modern business environments. By embracing this approach, organisations can also empower their middle managers to thrive and collaborate, ultimately fostering a more resilient and high-performing workforce.
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Originally posted on: https://www.personneltoday.com/hr/mastering-the-middle-group-coaching-and-unlocking-the-potential-of-mid-level-leaders/