LinkedIn has been accused in the US of sharing users’ private messages with other companies to train artificial intelligence models.
A US lawsuit filed on behalf of LinkedIn Premium users alleges that in August 2024 the social media giant “quietly” introduced a privacy setting, automatically opting users in to a programme that allowed third parties to use their personal data to train AI.
Those behind the lawsuit also accuse LinkedIn, which is owned by Microsoft, of concealing its actions a month later by changing its privacy policy to say user information could be disclosed for AI training purposes.
LinkedIn has told the BBC that these were “false claims with no merit”.
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LinkedIn, according to the lawsuit, also changed its frequently asked questions section to say that users could choose not to share data for AI purposes but that doing so would not affect training that had already taken place.
The lawsuit stated there was a pattern of LinkedIn trying to cover its tracks. It stated: “This behaviour suggests that LinkedIn was fully aware that it had violated its contractual promises and privacy standards and aimed to minimise public scrutiny.”
According to an email LinkedIn sent to its users last year, it has not enabled user data sharing for AI purposes in the UK, the European Economic Area and Switzerland.
The filing took place at a California federal court on behalf of a LinkedIn Premium user and others in a similar situation.
It seeks $1,000 (£812) per user for alleged violations of the US federal Stored Communications Act as well as an unspecified amount for breach of contract and California’s unfair competition law.
LinkedIn has said that the number of premium subscribers has been growing rapidly as it continues to add AI features.
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