Josh Bersin research: most HR leaders are now in C-suite

New research on the role of chief human resources officer has shown it is now among the most important in organisations.

Understanding the Path to CHRO, by global HR consultancy the Josh Bersin Company, found that 53% of HR leaders were now C-suite members, making them as important as heads of finance and information. In high-performing companies, this percentage rose to 60%

More than one in 10 of HR leaders (13%) were now ranked among the top five highest-paid executives, the study found. However, as the role has grown in importance and complexity, companies were increasingly struggling to find the “right” CHRO for their needs.

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This was linked to succession planning becoming a challenge for many firms. Most companies researched lacked trust in or had no programme for building CHRO skills internally, with 73% of new CHROs coming from outside the company.

Despite the complexities of HR, non-HR candidates are now taking on the CHRO role in more than 10% of companies.

CHROs promoted internally were 40% less likely to be promoted to C-level than their business counterparts, demonstrating the lack of effective succession management for this critical position, according to the analysis.

High-performing CHROs typically had multi-disciplinary backgrounds. Leaders with high-level political science and economics often made the strongest fit, while those with business studies backgrounds tended to be less successful.

Researchers found that CHROs were highly educated, with 98% holding a degree, yet only 15% had a qualification in HR. Top organisations were twice as likely to have a CHRO with a doctorate.

There were now fewer CHROs coming from finance and administration, the traditional hiring sources, researchers found. Those who did come from these business areas showed the lowest business impact in the study, while consulting and technology experience appeared linked to higher organisational performance.

International experience was key – 75% of high-performing CHROs had it, versus 50% of lower performers

CHROs over 50 were 36% more likely to be high-performing than their younger counterparts, indicating a strong link between experience and success.

Rethinking HR’s role

According to the Josh Bersin Company, which analysed data from SeekOut, an AI-powered recruiting and talent intelligence company, the shifts it has revealed began in the early 2000s when a critical digital talent shortage forced CEOs to rethink HR’s role. As companies adapted to the information age, CHROs took on greater strategic responsibilities—moving beyond payroll and hiring to oversee performance management, leadership development, and corporate universities.

As businesses evolved and societal shifts took hold, CHROs assumed responsibility for diversity initiatives, change management, and the complexities of global workforces. The rise of globalisation, remote work, and movements like George Floyd’s impact on DEI further expanded their role.

In 2025, CHROs were increasingly being relied on as strategic leaders, although the role’s growing complexity has outpaced “CEO recognition and support, leaving many with insufficient training and resources to navigate this evolving landscape”, found researchers.

Amazing opportunity

CEO of The Josh Bersin Company, Josh Bersin, said fresh possibilities lay before HR leaders with vision: “There’s room for all kinds of CHROs and career paths. But an amazing opportunity has opened up, exposed in great detail in our research: you’re just a few steps away from leading the transformation your CEO needs, from AI to job redesign, skills development, and future planning.

“Ultimately, the CHRO has risen to become one of the most important and impactful positions in any company. The question is, have you recognised how much your organisation needs you, and are you ready to seize the opportunity?”

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