The CIPD has appointed a new president to act as an advocate and ambassador for both the professional body and the wider people profession.
The Rt Hon Chloe Smith, a former work and pensions secretary and former Conservative MP, will take over the position from Baroness Ruby McGregor-Smith.
Having also held the ministerial position for science, innovation and technology, Smith has significant experience in working with people, technology and dealing with employment issues.
In a previous role as minister for disabled people, health and work, she helped to protect the Equality Act and led the introduction of the British Sign Language Act.
Smith’s extensive background in management consulting and her tenure in parliament has been marked by her engagement in technological change, workforce transformation, global economics, regulation, risk and governance. Recognised as the UK’s most influential person in technology in 2023, she left parliament in May 2024 to rejoin the private sector.
In her return, she supported innovation within start-ups and larger organisations and served as a trustee for the deafness charity RNID and the cancer charity Big C. Now, as the CIPD’s newly appointed president, she also aims to foster connections across business, policy, and academia.
Peter Cheese, chief executive of the CIPD, said: “Chloe is an extraordinary senior leader whose extensive experience and connections will be a great asset to the CIPD. Her passion for people and technology aligns with the CIPD’s goals to help individuals, organisations and the people profession thrive and to navigate a fast-changing world. We’re delighted to welcome her as our new president.”
Smith said: “I am thrilled to take on the role of president of the CIPD. I look forward to drawing on my experience at the highest levels of government and in the private sector to help the CIPD champion better work and working lives.
“Promoting the people profession’s impact across the wider business, policy and academic communities in the UK and beyond is crucial at a time of so much change facing workplaces and workforces. I believe very strongly in the people profession’s mission, whose strategic value is rising day by day because talent remains top of the business agenda.”
In announcing the new appointment, the CIPD thanked Baroness McGregor-Smith for her three years of support and her major contributions as a distinguished business leader and advocate for equality, diversity, and inclusion.
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