With hospitals and workplaces struggling to cope with this winter’s surge in flu and respiratory viruses, a charity has called for free NHS flu jabs in England to be extended to those aged 50-64.
The charity Asthma + Lung UK is urging health secretary Wes Streeting to extend eligibility for free vaccinations to everyone over the age of 50.
Currently this winter the free NHS jab has only been available to those aged 65 and above or with underlying health conditions, although people have been able to purchase private jabs through their local pharmacists.
Winter pressures
Winter flu surge an ‘unprecedented’ challenge for employers
Respiratory infections cost employers £44bn a year – report
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An occupational health provider recently said the surge we’ve seen in cases of flu this winter poses an “unprecedented” workplace and public health challenge, while research has suggested winter flu and respiratory infections can cost employers as much as £44bn a year in absence and lost productivity.
Asthma + Lung UK is urging England to follow the lead of Northern Ireland, where the Northern Ireland executive earlier this month announced eligibility for free flu vaccines there would be extended to anyone aged 50 and over.
Sarah Sleet, chief executive at Asthma + Lung UK, said: “Once again hospitals are at breaking point, with one of the worst flu seasons in recent years. As more and more hospitals declare critical incidents, now is the time for practical solutions.
“With low vaccine uptake among some eligible groups, we urge the health secretary to follow Northern Ireland’s example and use any surplus vaccine stocks to extend eligibility to more people and offer free vaccines to 50-64-year-olds, with immediate effect.
“While the annual NHS winter crisis of course needs longer term solutions, including better year-round care for people with chronic lung conditions, this is action we can take right now, using resources that are already available.
“We know that nearly one in five of those who ended up hospital with flu last year last year were aged 55-64. Vaccinating more people will not only reduce the spread of flu, but will also will help to protect the most vulnerable – including those with lung conditions who are at seven times more likely to die if they catch flu compared to healthy adults – as well easing the enormous pressures on an overwhelmed NHS,” said Sleet.
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