Army inquest hears of widespread sexual harassment claims

The head of the British Army, General Sir Roly Walker, has condemned the ‘appalling and shameful behaviour’ of officers after more than 1,000 women shared stories of abuse and sexual harassment.

The women’s stories have been shared in the course of an inquest into the death of Royal Artillery Gunner Jaysley-Louise Beck, who was found hanged in her barracks at Larkhill Camp, Wiltshire in December 2021 after a party.

The inquest heard that she had been sent thousands of messages by her supervisor and was allegedly pinned down by another senior soldier who tried to kiss her.

A social media account, Fill Your Boots, has received testimonies from more serving women and those who have left the army about similar harrowing experiences.

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A number of women told how they had been forced to hold their breath at night in case male officers tried their door, to make them think they were out. Others told of men coming into their rooms uninvited or pinning them against the wall and sexually harassing them.

One said: “A sergeant kicked me to the floor, acted out a sex act on me in front of a warrant officer and nothing was ever done… He was threatening and used his rank against me.”

Another said she was raped by someone in her unit but the case never made it to trial.

Beck’s mother, Leighann McCready, posted on the site: “I am the Mother of Jaysley-Louise Beck. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support you have given and to say how proud I am of others for speaking up.”

Chief of Defence People, Vice Admiral Phil Haddy, has urged any other victims to contact the MoD’s serious crime command.

Writing on X, he said: “There is no place for unacceptable sexual behaviour in our Armed Forces.”

An MoD spokesman told The Times: “This unacceptable sexual behaviour has absolutely no place in the armed forces and will not be tolerated.

There is no place for unacceptable sexual behaviour in our Armed Forces.

Anyone (military or civilian) who has been a victim of serious crime in Defence can contact our confidential crime line on 0800 085 0658 – available 24/7.

— Vice Admiral Phil Hally (@DefencePeople) February 13, 2025

“Our people deserve to feel safe and supported, which is why we have implemented a range of measures including two zero-tolerance policies and a sexual exploitation and abuse policy.

“Any behaviour that falls short of our standards will result in the most severe consequences including, where appropriate, criminal charges and dismissal.”

In a letter to senior officers, General Walker said: “Let me be clear: it is just not good enough that behaviours that do not match our values and standards are still happening.

“It is even worse if the chain of command is not doing enough or is actively complicit in this.”

Kate Palmer, employment services director at Peninsula, said the allegations were “particularly concerning, not only due to the sheer volume of them but because many involve senior officers”.

“Sexual harassment between colleagues of any rank is not acceptable, however senior and junior members of staff are often considered in the context of ‘power imbalances’, meaning the victims may feel pressured to go along with any acts of abuse and are less likely to report it, for fear of not being believed and the consequences it may have for their own position.

“It’s important that employers in all industries take steps to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace and have procedures in place to deal appropriately with concerns – whoever they are made against.”

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