Two hundred UK companies have now signed up for a permanent four-day working week, according to the 4 Day Week Foundation.
The campaign group, which began its second research pilot of a four-day week in November, said the companies that have committed to running a shorter week with no loss of pay employ more than 5,000 people.
Joe Ryle, the foundation’s campaign director, said that the “nine-to-five, five-day working week was invented 100 years ago and is no longer fit for purpose. We are long overdue an update.”
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He added that with “50% more free time, a four-day week gives people the freedom to live happier, more fulfilling lives”.
The 4 Day Week Foundation said marketing, advertising and PR companies were the most represented, with 30 employers signing up. There were 29 employers in charity, NGOs and social care, and 24 in technology, IT and software.
London employers are the most likely to have committed to a four-day week, according to the campaign update, with 59 of the total.
The campaign’s latest trial involves 17 employers who will either run a four-day week or a nine-day fortnight. Its first trial, in 2022, saw more than half of the participants still working under the arrangements 18 months later.
The campaign trials have been tracked by academics at the University of Cambridge, Boston College and the Autonomy Institute, who will report back on the benefits and challenges reported by employers.
Companies that took part in the initial trial found that a four-day week reduced staff turnover, improved recruitment, and increased productivity.
Although research has shown that many employees would be happy to take a pay cut or would switch jobs for a shorter working week, a recent report into the arrangement at South Cambridgeshire District Council found that one in six employees working a four-day week had second jobs.
Since April 2024, employees have had the right to ask for flexible working arrangements, including changes to their working hours and days.
Suggestions that the new Labour government would “impose” a four-day week on businesses have proven unfounded.
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