Navigating The Privilege Of Focus: Strategies For Breakthrough Results

Automotive Navigating The Privilege Of Focus: Strategies For Breakthrough Results Ana SmithOctober 10, 2023Employees focused during a meeting at work to talk about breakthrough results Bigstock {"adCodes": [{"desktop": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e", "display": true, "mobile": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e", "new_amp": "\u003camp-ad width=336 height=280\n type=\"doubleclick\"\n data-slot=\"/22278042776,22664312254/wit/wit_content\"\n data-multi-size=\"300x250\"\u003e\n\u003c/amp-ad\u003e", "order": 0, "tablet": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e"}, {"desktop": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e", "display": true, "mobile": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e", "new_amp": "\u003camp-ad width=336 height=280\n type=\"doubleclick\"\n data-slot=\"/22278042776,22664312254/wit/wit_content\"\n data-multi-size=\"300x250\"\u003e\n\u003c/amp-ad\u003e", "order": 1, "tablet": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e"}, {"desktop": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e", "display": true, "mobile": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e", "new_amp": "\u003camp-ad width=336 height=280\n type=\"doubleclick\"\n data-slot=\"/22278042776,22664312254/wit/wit_content\"\n data-multi-size=\"300x250\"\u003e\n\u003c/amp-ad\u003e", "order": 2, "tablet": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e"}], "adsOrder": [2]}

Last week, I had the opportunity to interview Steve Smith, Executive Chairman for Steward Tubular. We explored how, in today's fast-paced business world, the ability to focus is a powerful asset. It's the key that unlocks innovation, productivity, and strategic thinking.

However, this privilege of focus is not evenly distributed. Many factors, including socioeconomic status, technological distractions, and mental health, influence our capacity to concentrate. In this article, we will explore how the privilege of focus impacts breakthroughs in the business environment.

The Privilege Of Focus: A Brief Overview

The privilege of focus is the advantage some individuals or organizations have in maintaining sustained attention and concentration on strategic goals. It goes beyond personal discipline and extends to the circumstances and resources that facilitate focus. To delve deeper into this concept, we interviewed Steve, an expert in business performance and breakthrough strategies.

Insights From Steve Smith, Executive Chairman For Steward Tubular: The Power Of Business Breakthroughs Business goals, success, workplace, breakthrough concept


1. Typical Approach to Overcoming Challenges: Steve observed that many businesses today tend to tackle challenges with a short-term perspective. However, he emphasized that a more effective approach involves aligning efforts with long-term strategic goals and cultivating a culture of continuous improvement.

2. Urgency in the Business World: The prevalent perception that everything must be urgent in the business world was challenged by Steve. He stressed the importance of prioritization and allocating time and resources to high-impact projects that contribute to long-term strategic success.

3. Investment of Time by Executives: Successful business executives invest their time in strategic planning, innovation, and creating a culture of learning. Steve highlighted that focusing solely on day-to-day operations can hinder long-term growth.

4. Shifting from Short-Term to Long-Term Focus: Executives can shift their thinking from a short-term focus to a longer-term one by defining clear, bold strategic objectives and communicating the importance of these goals to the entire organization. It requires a commitment to the vision and persistence in the face of challenges.

5. Breakthroughs vs. Continuous Improvement: Steve emphasized that while continuous improvement focuses on incremental changes, breakthroughs involve transformative, game-changing innovations. Both approaches have their place, but breakthroughs have the potential to reshape industries.

6. Realistic Breakthrough Goals: According to Steve, breakthrough goals should be ambitious and bold. It’s true that unrealistic goals can lead to frustration, while attainable ones can motivate teams. However, breakthrough goals should reach for the stars, serving as inspirational beacons of performance excellence.

7. Pursuing Breakthrough Results: To pursue breakthrough results, organizations must align their culture, resources, and processes with the overarching strategic vision. It requires a commitment to change and adaptability.

8. Strategy for the Entire Team: Strategy should not be the sole responsibility of the executive team. Steve emphasized the importance of involving all levels of the organization in strategy deployment through the practice of catchball to ensure alignment and engagement.

9. Balanced Scorecard and Breakthroughs: The Balanced Scorecard framework plays a crucial role in strategy deployment and tracking progress toward breakthrough goals. It provides a structured approach to measuring and managing performance.

10. Impact on Company Culture: Pursuing breakthroughs and moonshots can positively impact company culture by fostering innovation, risk-taking, and a growth mindset. It encourages employees to think beyond the status quo.

11. One-and-Done vs. Ongoing Journey: Breakthroughs are not a one-time event; they represent an ongoing journey of innovation and improvement. Organizations must continually adapt to changing market conditions and opportunities or become irrelevant.

12. Additional Insights: Steve concluded by highlighting the importance of leadership commitment, resilience, and adaptability in the pursuit of breakthroughs. He encouraged organizations to embrace change and prioritize long-term strategic thinking. Bridging The Gap Creativity, imagination, innovation, ideas, invention, inspiration, breakthrough concept


Understanding the privilege of focus and its role in achieving business breakthroughs is essential for creating a more equitable and innovative business landscape. While not everyone has the same level of focus privilege, organizations can take steps to level the playing field.

By embracing strategic thinking, fostering a culture of innovation, and committing to long-term strategic goals, businesses can harness the power of focus to drive transformative change. The journey toward breakthroughs is ongoing, and success is within reach for those willing to be bold and invest in the future.

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privilege of focus {"customDimensions": {"1":"Executive Community, Ana Smith","3":"privilege of focus, focus, results, steve smith, steward tubular, innovation, productivity, strategic thinking, business, organizations, continuous improvement, strategic planning, prioritization, goals, executives, leaders, managers, leadership, management, breakthroughs, adaptability, equity, strategic goals, strategy, breakthrough, culture, team, urgency, challenges","2":"automotive","4":"10/10/2023"}, "post": {"split_testing": {}, "providerId": 0, "sections": [0, 544398563, 544324100, 544398574, 544398581, 544398582, 479660731, 473310812, 570046141, 473333499], "buckets": [], "authors": [21030904, 25006562]} } Badge8 Ways You're Being SHUT OUT Of The Hiring Process1-hour workshop to help job seekers figure out what's getting them tossed from the hiring processCover Letter 3 Tips For Overcoming Your Biggest Job Search FEARS Jenna ArcandSeptember 28, 2022Work It Daily's live event "3 Tips For Overcoming Your Biggest Job Search FEARS" {"adCodes": [{"desktop": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e", "display": true, "mobile": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e", "new_amp": "\u003camp-ad width=336 height=280\n type=\"doubleclick\"\n data-slot=\"/22278042776,22664312254/wit/wit_content\"\n data-multi-size=\"300x250\"\u003e\n\u003c/amp-ad\u003e", "order": 0, "tablet": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e"}, {"desktop": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e", "display": true, "mobile": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e", "new_amp": "\u003camp-ad width=336 height=280\n type=\"doubleclick\"\n data-slot=\"/22278042776,22664312254/wit/wit_content\"\n data-multi-size=\"300x250\"\u003e\n\u003c/amp-ad\u003e", "order": 1, "tablet": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e"}, {"desktop": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e", "display": true, "mobile": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e", "new_amp": "\u003camp-ad width=336 height=280\n type=\"doubleclick\"\n data-slot=\"/22278042776,22664312254/wit/wit_content\"\n data-multi-size=\"300x250\"\u003e\n\u003c/amp-ad\u003e", "order": 2, "tablet": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e"}], "adsOrder": [2]} Are you terrified of screwing up a job interview? Does the thought of writing a cover letter horrify you? Are you scared to network with others? What do you even say, anyway? If you're struggling to overcome your job search fears, this live event is for you.

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