7 Vital Habits Of The Successful Professional

Popular 7 Vital Habits Of The Successful Professional J.T. O'DonnellJenna ArcandDecember 01, 2023Successful professional woman Bigstock {"adCodes": [{"desktop": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e", "display": true, "mobile": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e", "new_amp": "\u003camp-ad width=336 height=280\n type=\"doubleclick\"\n data-slot=\"/22278042776,22664312254/wit/wit_content\"\n data-multi-size=\"300x250\"\u003e\n\u003c/amp-ad\u003e", "order": 0, "tablet": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e"}, {"desktop": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e", "display": true, "mobile": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e", "new_amp": "\u003camp-ad width=336 height=280\n type=\"doubleclick\"\n data-slot=\"/22278042776,22664312254/wit/wit_content\"\n data-multi-size=\"300x250\"\u003e\n\u003c/amp-ad\u003e", "order": 1, "tablet": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e"}, {"desktop": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e", "display": true, "mobile": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e", "new_amp": "\u003camp-ad width=336 height=280\n type=\"doubleclick\"\n data-slot=\"/22278042776,22664312254/wit/wit_content\"\n data-multi-size=\"300x250\"\u003e\n\u003c/amp-ad\u003e", "order": 2, "tablet": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e"}], "adsOrder": [2]} Who isn't a little curious about what a successful professional does differently than the average person? It's not about what they do with their money. It's how they approach their careers.

Passenger Or Pilot: Which One Are You?

It's easy to think we are all doing what we can to take control of our careers. However, this article points out a misconception some people have: thinking they lack control over certain aspects of their career. Or worse, not even bothering to try to take control.

In our careers, we are either a:

A) Passenger - an employee held hostage by golden handcuffs.

B) Pilot - a business-of-one who is in charge of their destiny.

I can see why being a passenger in your career might be attractive. You get to leave the scary, intense work of navigating to the pilot. But is that what you really want? Currently, I'm seeing a shift in our workforce's mentality.

More and more people are seeking professional emancipation as part of the natural evolution of the employee. They are tired of being a passenger and want to learn how to become the pilot of their career. That being said, here are seven tips for those seeking to become an ultra-successful professional...

1. Realize You're A Business-Of-One Successful professional man


Your career has equity. Recognize it and start to determine how to use it to your advantage.

Inventory your assets as a professional and determine who is willing to pay top dollar for them. If you don't have valuable skill sets that are in demand, start acquiring some.

2. Always Look To Gain An Advantage In Your Business Dealings Successful professional woman talks to a work colleague


You must negotiate with employers. Don't take what is given to you without a discussion. An employer is a customer who is always looking for the best deal, and you're the business-of-one providing a service for them. You want to do business with a customer willing to pay for the quality of work you provide.

Learn to effectively negotiate salary, perks, and other benefits so you feel good about the partnership. You don't work "for" an employer. You work "with" an employer.

3. Do Things Well Professional man on computer works hard to be successful


Remember that doing things well is more important than doing new things.

Get focused on building your expertise and understanding how you are the aspirin to an employer's pain. You must be great at a few things, rather than okay at a bunch of things. What is your specialty as a business-of-one?

4. Work With People Who Are Smarter Than You Happy/successful woman claps after a presentation during a work meeting


Look for the smartest people you can work with. Find companies you admire and respect. Not for their pay and benefits package, but for the kind of products or services they deliver.

You must seek your professional tribe and partner with them to up your career game.

5. Get Clear On Your Employer's Goals, Needs, And Business Intentions Successful professionals in a work meeting


Want to do better in your career? Don't be so self-centered. It's not about your needs and wants.

Instead, focus on the needs, wants, and business objectives of the people you are partnering with. You'll be able to offer more value and get more in return if you do. They are your customer. Exceed their expectations and you'll have them eating out of your hand.

6. Be In A Position To Walk Away When The Situation Isn't Right Older professional woman thinking about her career success at work


Get yourself in a financial position that enables you to quit a job and survive without income for one year. Every job is temporary. You may lose a job. You may want to leave a job. In either case, having the security of savings will give you the power to make the best decisions for your business-of-one.

Who wants to stay in a bad situation just for the money? Ask anyone who held on to a life-sucking job only to get laid off how that worked for them. They'll tell you they wish they could have left at the first sign of trouble.

7. Realize You Need Experiences And Setbacks To Move Forward Happy/successful professional man holding a tablet


There is no real failure. We experience, learn, and grow. Stop playing it safe and start embracing your fear. As the old saying goes, "Life begins where your comfort zone ends." You will not survive and thrive in your career if you don't constantly learn new things.

Making mistakes teaches us what not to do. That's a good thing! Stop worrying about what others think and start worrying about what will happen if you don't take control.

I hope these tips help you build good habits in your career so you can become an ultra-successful professional. How are you taking ownership of your career today?

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Become a member to learn how to UNLEASH your true potential to get what you want from work!

This article was originally published at an earlier date.

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habits of successful people {"customDimensions": {"1":"J.T. O'Donnell, Jenna Arcand","3":"career, career advice, career coach, career coaching, career development, career growth, career growth and development, career habits, career help, career success, career tips, habits, habits for career success, habits for success, habits of successful people, professional development, professional growth, professional growth and development, professionals, success, successful professionals","2":"popular","4":"12/01/2023"}, "post": {"split_testing": {}, "providerId": 14, "sections": [0, 370480899, 376489624, 479660731, 473310813, 473333499], "buckets": [], "authors": [19549412, 19836096]} } Badge8 Ways You're Being SHUT OUT Of The Hiring Process1-hour workshop to help job seekers figure out what's getting them tossed from the hiring processCover Letter 3 Tips For Overcoming Your Biggest Job Search FEARS Jenna ArcandSeptember 28, 2022Work It Daily's live event "3 Tips For Overcoming Your Biggest Job Search FEARS" {"adCodes": [{"desktop": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e", "display": true, "mobile": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e", "new_amp": "\u003camp-ad width=336 height=280\n type=\"doubleclick\"\n data-slot=\"/22278042776,22664312254/wit/wit_content\"\n data-multi-size=\"300x250\"\u003e\n\u003c/amp-ad\u003e", "order": 0, "tablet": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e"}, {"desktop": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e", "display": true, "mobile": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e", "new_amp": "\u003camp-ad width=336 height=280\n type=\"doubleclick\"\n data-slot=\"/22278042776,22664312254/wit/wit_content\"\n data-multi-size=\"300x250\"\u003e\n\u003c/amp-ad\u003e", "order": 1, "tablet": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e"}, {"desktop": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e", "display": true, "mobile": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e", "new_amp": "\u003camp-ad width=336 height=280\n type=\"doubleclick\"\n data-slot=\"/22278042776,22664312254/wit/wit_content\"\n data-multi-size=\"300x250\"\u003e\n\u003c/amp-ad\u003e", "order": 2, "tablet": "\u003cdiv class=\u0027rblad-wit_content\u0027\u003e\u003c/div\u003e"}], "adsOrder": [2]} Are you terrified of screwing up a job interview? Does the thought of writing a cover letter horrify you? Are you scared to network with others? What do you even say, anyway? If you're struggling to overcome your job search fears, this live event is for you.

We get it. Looking for work can be scary, especially if you’ve been at it for a long time and haven’t gotten any results.

Understanding which fears are getting in the way and how to overcome them will make all the difference. Sometimes you might not be aware of which obstacle is getting in the way of your goals. If you want to overcome these fears once and for all, we invite you to join us!

In this training, you’ll learn how to:

  • Utilize strategies for coping with your job search fears
  • Be confident in your job search—from writing your resume to networking
  • Face your fears and move forward

Join our CEO, J.T. O'Donnell, and Director of Training Development & Coaching, Christina Burgio, for this live event on Wednesday, October 5th at 12 pm ET.

CAN'T ATTEND LIVE? That's okay. You'll have access to the recording and the workbook after the session!

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Originally posted on: https://www.workitdaily.com/habits-of-successful-people