Career Guide

6 Tips To Make Your Resume Better Than The Rest

Recruiters look at dozens of resumes a day. If they see something they don't like, your resume could wind up in the “no" pile in just seconds.Here are a few tips you should follow to make your resume better than the rest, standing out from all that compe

logo.png  By JG  Nov 16, 2023

Why You Need Achievements On Your LinkedIn Profile

If you want to stand out from other job candidates, both your resume and LinkedIn profile need to have specific, tangible, quantifiable achievements. We see so many resumes that are very "duty-oriented"—the candidate lists what they've done but doesn't m

logo.png  By JG  Nov 15, 2023

3 Reasons To Quit Pursuing Career Happiness

This may be controversial, but as a 20-year career coaching veteran, I think one of the biggest mistakes people are making post-pandemic is they are overly focused on trying to pursue career happiness when in reality you should be focused on building car

logo.png  By JG  Nov 14, 2023

5 Steps To Present Your Best Self During An Interview

If you needed to convince someone that Girl Scout Cookies are delicious or that rainbows are really beautiful, you'd have to first know what the cookies taste like and what rainbows look like—right? The same applies when it's time for you to sell yoursel

logo.png  By JG  Nov 10, 2023
