Career Guide

7 Tips For Writing A Great LinkedIn Invitation

Whether you're new to LinkedIn or a seasoned user, connecting with new people can be a challenge, especially when you're not sure what to write in your LinkedIn invitation. You might be tempted to use the generic "I'd like to add you to my professional n

logo.png  By JG  Jul 11, 2024

Community Engagement For Impactful Public Health

Community engagement is at the core of good public health. Every successful public health project I’ve been a part of has had community voice at the core of every aspect of the work. Leading with community voice assures that equity is not only a discussi

logo.png  By JG  Jul 11, 2024

From IT Developer To Strategic Leader: My 25-Year Journey At Greyhound

When I joined Greyhound back in 1996, as an IT developer, my plan was to stay for a year and then move to some cutting-edge development company. Greyhound was not the sexy development shop that I had hoped to work for. Now having worked there for 25 year

logo.png  By JG  Jul 11, 2024

How To Explain A Job Gap On Your Resume

If there's a noticeable employment gap on your resume, you may be concerned that it's impacting your chances of landing interviews and moving forward in the hiring process. Explaining a job gap on your resume can feel tricky, but there's a right way and

logo.png  By JG  Jul 10, 2024
