Career Guide

Risk Resilience: Building A Future With Confidence

In today's ever-evolving business landscape, risk management has taken center stage. The ability to navigate uncertainties and mitigate potential adversities is not just good practice; it's the essence of building a future with unwavering confidence.This

logo.png  By JG  Jan 5, 2024

3 Stories You Need To Share In 2024 To Impress Recruiters & Hiring Managers

If you want to get a job in 2024, you need to be ready to share three stories with every hiring manager and recruiter you meet. These three stories will help recruiters and hiring managers fall in love with you, and this is also how you make a stronger f

logo.png  By JG  Dec 19, 2023

How To Explain Wanting To Step Down From A Leadership Role

So you want to step down from a leadership role to become an individual contributor. A lot of people see leadership at the top and individual contributors at the bottom. And so the natural question is, "Why the step back?" And, unfortunately, over many y

logo.png  By JG  Dec 12, 2023

5 Operational Challenges That Could Derail Your Business In 2024

In the dynamic world of business, real challenges demand decisive actions and a willingness to drive change. My experience in reviving a business serves as a vivid example of this.When I took the helm of a company that was losing $20,000 a month, the sit

logo.png  By JG  Dec 9, 2023
