Career Guide

Why You Need A Data Strategy Before Data Governance (Part 3a)

Part Three A: Standing up the Data Management and Governance Teams: Why CDOs Don't Have More ImpactAs we previously discussed, the final step in our five steps to achieving data governance is to stand up the data management organization, including data g

logo.png  By JG  Jul 19, 2022

How To Personalize Your LinkedIn URL

These days it’s not just your resume that’s reviewed for your credentials and experience. LinkedIn is now a critical part of your job search as the majority of employers will look for you there.Your LinkedIn profile is also an important tool and an impor

logo.png  By JG  Jul 15, 2022

4 Ways To Stop Being A Control Freak

I'm the first person to admit I'm a control freak. It's not like I can hide it anyway. If you've known me for even a short period of time, chances are you've seen me in action. And no, I'm not proud. Being a control freak isn't a good thing. In fact, som

logo.png  By JG  Jul 15, 2022

4 Qualities All Great Managers Have

Owners of successful business enterprises will be the first ones to tell you that you need to invest in your people. When you are running a business, you need to rely on the efficiency of each person involved in the organization, whether that person is a

logo.png  By JG  Jul 14, 2022
