Career Guide

Test-Teach-Test: A Quick And Effective Way To Plan Training

Introducing new technology is part of a change management process. Change management coordinates technical implementation with awareness raising and training activities to prepare people to use the technology effectively.Large companies can afford to run

logo.png  By JG  Aug 30, 2022

The Best LinkedIn Tip You've NEVER Heard Before

I guarantee you've never heard this LinkedIn tip before. You might know that recruiters get on LinkedIn to look for candidates, and they discover the right candidates by searching specific keywords. Now, if you have those keywords in your headline, you w

logo.png  By JG  Aug 30, 2022

All Successful Leaders MUST Have These 10 Characteristics

When we are asked to think of a leader, someone who inspires us to do our best every day, a wide variety of different people come to mind. Maybe someone in your personal life, someone from a television show or movie, or a historical figure whose personal

logo.png  By JG  Aug 28, 2022

Why You Need A Disaster Recovery Plan Even If You Have A BCP

The organization has a documented business continuity plan (BCP) which identifies the departments’ needs and requirements to recover in the event of a disaster. Technology is at the center of the business and typically touches every department. But IT on

logo.png  By JG  Aug 26, 2022
