Career Guide

How To Keep Your Job During A Recession

I struggle to write about this subject because it might suggest that there are special strategies to keep your job during a recession. There is no guarantee anyone will keep their job during a recession. But there are some things you can do to increase y

logo.png  By JG  Oct 12, 2022

Do We Need To Engage Customers In Real Time? Well, Yes, You Do!

Today, many firms seek to engage customers in an omnichannel way, specifically in digital channels such as mobile. Unfortunately, many customer engagements and journeys are powered by yesterday's technology. A customer may want to transact with a firm (p

logo.png  By JG  Oct 12, 2022

Process Control: Do You Have Dandelions In Your Yard?

Years ago, I heard a saying... “How can you ask your neighbor to clean up his yard when you have dandelions on your own lawn?”We are often quick to judge and condemn someone for their actions when we have things to work on our own. In business, we often

logo.png  By JG  Oct 11, 2022

#1 Career Tip For Gen Z & Millennials

If you're a millennial or Gen Zer, I have one piece of advice that is going to improve your job search results and change your career for the better.As a millennial or Gen Z job seeker, here's what you need to do to find a job and grow your career...Get

logo.png  By JG  Oct 11, 2022
