Career Guide

Data Fabric Or Data Fabrication?

Earlier in my career, as a data analyst, the biggest area of frustration for my marketing clients was the lag time between their requests and the business insight. The lag was extended if the required data had to be ingested from a new source. The old ET

logo.png  By JG  Dec 15, 2022

What To Do If You Were Rejected From A Job Online

Have you been rejected by a company that you applied to online recently? If so, I know how you're feeling. Getting rejected stinks. You spend all this time applying for a job (sometimes it can take 45 minutes to fill out an application online only to get

logo.png  By JG  Dec 13, 2022

13 Holiday Networking Tips You Need To Know

It's that time of year again when job seekers think they should stop looking for a job throughout the holiday season. No one will be hiring anyway, so you may as well take the rest of the year off, right? Not true, according to HR and job search experts

logo.png  By JG  Dec 10, 2022

Executive Spotlight: Tips For Team Goal Setting & Business Planning

It's that time of year again! Companies are setting goals and finalizing their business plans for the next 12 months. Business leaders might have high-level goals for their organization, but each team within the organization must have its own goals it wa

logo.png  By JG  Dec 10, 2022
