Career Guide

How To Expand Your Network For Job Search Success

Networking is vital to job search success. Networking can lead to referrals, identifying jobs that aren't yet posted, and securing informational interviews. They can also lead to future professional references.These results can give you a competitive adv

logo.png  By JG  Dec 16, 2022

4 Ways Technology Can Help Manage Your Business Risks And How To Leverage This Opportunity

At one time, I was part of a working committee that reviewed a risk event that resulted in a material financial loss and regulatory sanction to an organization. The company got sanctioned for non-compliance with the Know Your Client (KYC) requirement cau

logo.png  By JG  Dec 16, 2022

Fixed vs. Growth Mindset: Which Is Better For Your Business To Stay Relevant And Resilient?

The world of business has changed drastically over the last decade. Large corporations have fallen to the wayside, while smaller businesses with nimble mindsets and the ability to pivot at a moment’s notice have taken their place. In this fast-paced envi

logo.png  By JG  Dec 15, 2022

How To Update Your LinkedIn Profile When You’re Employed

A key component of a successful job search means getting the word out that you're looking for new opportunities. But when you're still employed, it's wise to take a more discreet approach. This is particularly true for LinkedIn, where there are many cont

logo.png  By JG  Dec 15, 2022
