Career Guide

3 Things Your LinkedIn Profile MUST Have In 2023

As a professional, your LinkedIn profile is an essential career tool. No matter if you're looking for a job or just trying to build your personal brand, it's important to completely fill out your LinkedIn profile so you can get the most out of the profes

logo.png  By JG  Dec 24, 2022

Reactive vs. Proactive Job Search Strategies

There are two kinds of job searches: reactive and proactive. Most people use reactive job search strategies, which means they look for job openings and then apply for the ones that interest them. So, when you send your resume to recruiters and respond to

logo.png  By JG  Dec 23, 2022

How To Recession-Proof Your Career In 2023

Are you worried you won’t land a job in the current job market? Or are you worried your current role could be eliminated at a moment’s notice? If so, we have a training series for you to check out!In our latest live class, we’ll teach you how to stay emp

logo.png  By JG  Dec 23, 2022

Leaving Friends Behind: What To Consider When You Leave Your Job

A few times in my career, I have made the conscious choice to leave a position, and once that decision was made for me. As I read about layoffs, recession, and turmoil in the workplace, I think about these moments. The Buddhists have a tenant about “impe

logo.png  By JG  Dec 22, 2022
