Career Guide

The Secret To Building Brand Loyalty

Taylor Swift is a dominant brand, leading the industry for over 15 years with a loyal fan base. She recently released her tenth studio album titled “Midnights” on the streaming platform Spotify at the stroke of midnight. Swifties (as her fans call themse

logo.png  By JG  Jan 19, 2023

How To Connect With Potential Employers During Your Job Search

It's hard to be passionate about a job when you have no connection to the company. How do you show enthusiasm in your cover letter and job interview if you don't absolutely love what you'd be doing, or where you'd be doing it?Fortunately, there's an easy

logo.png  By JG  Jan 19, 2023

Are Financial Institutions Now Expected To Scrutinize Vessel Behavior?

I would never have guessed that my maritime shipping and Naval Intelligence background would become helpful in the financial services realm—yet here we are. Let me explain…“We’re Bankers, Not SEAL Team Six.”“We’re bankers, not SEAL Team Six. Are we reall

logo.png  By JG  Jan 18, 2023

10 Ways Employees Can Be More Proactive At Work

Proactivity, as defined by organizational behavior, is “anticipatory, change-oriented, and self-initiated behavior in situations, rather than just reacting." When a person is proactive, they are acting in advance of a future event. Proactive employees t

logo.png  By JG  Jan 18, 2023
