Career Guide

My Experiences As A Professional With Autism & Why I #WorkItDaily

We recently launched a social media campaign on TikTok asking users to share their stories about why they "#workitdaily." This week, we heard from Robert Rosen, a Work It Daily member who wrote about his experiences as a professional with autism.We wante

logo.png  By JG  Feb 1, 2023

Top 2 Reasons Why You Need A LinkedIn Profile

"Do you really need a LinkedIn profile?" As a 20-year career coaching veteran, I get asked this question almost every day.The short answer? Yes, you do need a LinkedIn profile.Why? Well, here are two reasons why I think you should have a LinkedIn profile

logo.png  By JG  Jan 31, 2023

Using The 2022 PMI Talent Triangle To Drive Project Success

Like most professions in the post-pandemic world, project management has undergone yet another conceptual transformation while also redefining how the projects of the future will be managed with the release of the 2022 PMI Talent Triangle. Keeping up wit

logo.png  By JG  Jan 28, 2023

5 Ways To Get A Raise (Without Asking)

It's that golden moment, the one you always dream about. The moment your boss offers you a raise, and you didn't have to ask for it! It doesn't happen often unless you have something in your contract that stipulates your pay increases, or some other sort

logo.png  By JG  Jan 28, 2023
